I'm eco-trendy: how to become greener with your favorite cosmetics

I'm eco-trendy: how to become greener with your favorite cosmetics

Today, loving nature, knowing what PP5 is and going to a coffee shop with your glass has become a real trend. And we, as an eco-brand, are incredibly pleased with this.

Going further into eco-consciousness, we forgot how difficult it was to start. 

No one explained that it would be difficult to always wash recyclables immediately after the end of the product inside, that it would not be easy to give up your favorite disposable patches, and that a reusable glass would be forgotten at home for the first time.

Yes, being eco-friendly is not always easy, it takes energy and time. But the planet will thank you :) How to start?

We want to help you start the path to sustainable consumption right now with ... your favorite cosmetics!

Small note:

It is not necessary to complete all the steps at once. To get started, choose 1-2 tips and try to follow them for a month. It is important that habits bring you pleasure. Otherwise, you will drive yourself into a state of stress and return to the beginning. And you don't need it :) 

Were you able to follow the steps? Great! Adopt all new green habits into your life and watch the effect with pleasant surprise.


Choose the makeup that suits you best

How does this relate to sustainability? Directly. After all, a conscious choice of jars excludes impulsive purchases, which each of us is prone to when you need to improve your mood or urgently study the cream or mask that everyone is talking about. 

To make the skin feel comfortable and look great, just five products are enough for the following steps - cleansing, toning, serum, cream and additional care products that are enough to use 2-3 times a week (these are alginate and mousse masks, reusable eco-patches and sugar salt scrubs).

On our website, we have already selected care kits for all skin types - in 5 steps and in 3, for express care and getting to know our brand.

This is enough to provide your skin with comprehensive care. You just need to understand what your skin wants right now.

Choose products with natural and eco-friendly ingredients

Our skin is an unusually intelligent organ, gifted to us by nature. She is very picky about everything we put on her. And here there is a direct relationship - good for the skin, good for the environment.

That is why choosing products with a natural composition, you do not harm nature. Natural cleanser, mask, shampoo or shower gel will not clog wastewater, natural, and solid deodorant will not be a source of air pollution.

At SmoRodina, we create natural and highly effective products with assets that are not just effective, but also research, innovative technologies and evidence-based documentation. 

It is also important that our products contain vegan ingredients, and we do not test cosmetics on animals.

Find a place for empty packaging in your interior


Depending on what material the packaging is made of, it can certainly be used in the interior. 


The main materials from which the packaging for our brand products is made are aluminum, glass and cardboard. So, a cardboard tube from a cream can be used as a stand for makeup brushes, an aluminum jar from a scrub can be used as a package for storing tea or a pot for a small cactus, aluminum tubes from enzyme powder will be an excellent storage system for spices, and a box from under a set of our zero-waste patches - like a jewelry box.

Lots of options. The main thing is your imagination!


Here is the use of packaging from SmoRodina products found by our subscribers:

Choose reusable eco-accessories

Perhaps this item has the least relation to cosmetics. But we couldn't help but talk about our eco-friendly line of accessories - a string bag and a silicone collapsible cup.

The fact that disposable paper cups are directly linked to deforestation is already known to everyone. But did you know that it is also not possible to recycle such “paper” glasses? It's all about a special coating that prevents the liquid from soaking the paper cup. Processors rarely accept such glasses.

Our SmoRodina reusable silicone cup is comfortable to hold, the material it is made of is safe, and thanks to its foldable format, it is easy to put it in your bag after you have drunk your coffee. And we are not talking about the fact that in many coffee houses coffee is poured into your glass at a discount.

Now in many stores packages have become paid. Why do you think? This is a feasible contribution (albeit unconscious) of companies to reduce the volume of plastic bags used in the world. Not everyone wants to spend extra 8-10 rubles on a package. But it will be nice to take a beautiful shopping bag from SmoRodina with you ! It looks stylish and quite roomy, can withstand a lot of weight and is easy to wash.


Start recycling cosmetic packaging

Wow, we made it to the final. You have already learned how to choose the products that suit you, you know how to creatively reuse cosmetic packaging and do not forget a reusable glass;)

We pass to the final - the delivery of packaging from cosmetics for processing. 

We have specially chosen fractions of recyclable materials for our jars, which any processor will be happy not only in Moscow, but also in any other city of Russia. So, glass can be handed over to any collection point for glass containers, aluminum - to a collection point for scrap metal, and cardboard - to a collection point for waste paper.

With increasing interest in the eco-agenda, manufacturers have begun to write recycling classes on the packaging itself more often. You just need to find it and google how to prepare. 

By the way, in each card of SmoRodina products you will definitely find detailed and simple instructions for recycling our bottles, jars and tubes. 

Let's change the world together! Your help and contribution to the care of the planet is priceless 

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